About us

Our Mission

The Centre for Addiction Research is committed to improving the quality of life and well-being of individuals, families, and communities whose lives are affected by addictive consumptions in New Zealand. We will do this by providing timely and relevant evidence that can inform policy and practice.

Our story

In 2003, an Addiction Research Network was established to foster greater collaboration across the faculty. Its aim was to undertake high quality research on substance misuse and other addictive behaviours and disseminate these findings to help inform New Zealand evidence-based policy and best practice in this field.

The Addiction Research Network comprised researchers with a broad spectrum of specialised skills including clinical trials, population surveys, cost effectiveness valuations, educational and training evaluations, service development and evaluation, and biomedical research. It produced research that informed government policy and enhanced professional practice in alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and gambling.

In recognition of the Network’s achievements and realising the potential for harnessing the breadth of expertise across the University into an interdisciplinary programme of addiction research, a Centre for Addiction Research was established in August 2012.

The Centre for Addiction Research is designed to build on the work of the Addiction Research Network. It comprises of researchers from the Schools of Population Health, Pharmacy, Nursing, Medical Sciences and Medicine. It also incorporates the Centre for Gambling Studies (established in 2001) and works closely with the National Institute for Health Innovation (NIHI).

We also pursue opportunities to work with researchers with expertise beyond the medical and health sciences, in fields that also seek to understand the impact that dangerous consumptions have on the individual and society, including psychology, anthropology, sociology, law and business.

We will do this by providing timely and relevant evidence that can inform policy and practice.